Éclat Crew presents An Evening of Discussion & Exchange for FLINTA* Music Makers
Are you a FLINTA* producer looking to connect with like-minded music-makers? Are you curious about other producers' production processes? Looking for an opportunity to exchange ideas about music-making, creativity and staying healthy as a music-maker?
Join Éclat Crew at Aequa E13 for an evening of discussion, exchange, and a behind-the-scenes look into other producers' production processes. There'll be presentations from music makers demonstrating their production processes, guided small-group conversation, and a chance to get feedback on your own Works In Progress.
Numbers are limited, so sign up quickly! You'll be asked to confirm your participation in the days before the event.
17:30 - 22:00 Uhr
Aequa E13 Space
EG/Ladentür rechts
Exerzierstraße 13,
3357 Berlin
Éclat crew berlin
A music-making collective for FLINTA* (female, lesbian, intersex, noninary, trans and agender) electronic music producers.
éclat | eɪˈklɑː | noun: brilliant display or effect; social distinction or conspicuous success
Éclat Crew is a Berlin-based Electronic Music Collective aiming to support, promote, and inspire the practice and output of FLINTA* artists of all levels through collaboration and cooperation.
We meet fortnightly in Berlin to work on shared music-making challenges. We also throw parties, and collaborate with other collectives and events around Berlin and Europe.